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The authors

Patrice Allain
Author and researcher, published the complete critical edition of Jacques Vaché's Letters of War (Gallimard, 2018) to which he devoted various articles in review and of which he had already published a set of unpublished texts Les Solennels (Dilecta, 2007). His work focuses first on surrealism and the interactions between the artistic and the political during the 1920s and 1930s. He edited the correspondence of Michel Leiris and Jacques Baron (Joseph K, 2013) and wrote about certain eccentric personalities on the margins of this movement: Claude Cahun, Jacques Viot as well as the so-called "Prévert gang". » : Louis Chavance, Fabien Loris and Lou Tchimoukow. His research focuses mainly on cinema and modernist photography (Class Weapon Photography, Center Pompidou, Textuel 2019, Dora Maar, Center Pompidou, 2019). He has curated several exhibitions: Nantes and Surrealism, the dream of a city Nantes Museum of Fine Arts (1995) / The origins of surrealism, Ashes of our dreams, Nantes History Museum-BM-Mission du Centenaire (2017)/ The Prévert brothers make their cinema, Musée-Maison Prévert, Omonville, (2020-2021). Author of the booklet devoted to Jacques Vaché in the Phares Collection.

Anne Egger
Writer, essayist, iconographer and exhibition curator: four sides for one woman. Doctor in Art History (Panthéon-Sorbonne) since 1998 and passionate about research, Anne Egger has at least three hobbies: Surrealism, the Middle Ages and Flemish Art. As what she wrote about Robert Desnos, "her life is without emptiness". In line with her objective which is to make subjects known and loved that seem complicated or inaccessible, to inspire all audiences, Anne is the author of the booklets about Wifredo Lam, André Masson, Remedios Varo and Claude Cahun in our Collection Phares which each time offers a new or original approach to the artist.

Paul B. Franklin
A specialist in French and American post-war art, Paul B. Franklin is a recognized authority on the life and work of Marcel Duchamp. He is the director of the magazine "Etant donné Marcel Duchamp". In the Phares Collection, he was the historical advisor on the films about to Kay Sage and Marcel Duchamp and wrote the booklet devoted to the latter.

Jean-Michel Goutier
Member of the last surrealist group around André Breton, Jean-Michel Goutier (1935-2020) poet Chanson de gesture (Soleil Noir, 1976), art critic and essayist, notably collaborated in the development of two exhibitions at the Centre Pompidou: André Breton, La beauté convulsive, in 1991, and La Révolution surréaliste 1919-1945, in 2002. He published in 1991: I see, I imagine, the poems-objects of Breton (Gallimard); participated in the Cahier de l'Herne: André Breton in 1998 and in 2007 edited the Carnets de L’Herne: André Breton, Ban the political parties. In 2003, he gave a conference at the Center Pompidou and the Comunidad de Madrid the following year: André Breton, a manifest collection. In 2009, wrote the Tribute for the inauguration of Place André Breton in Paris and published: André Breton Lettres à Aube 1968-1966, (Gallimard). In 2016 foreword, André Breton's Letters to Simone Kahn 1920-1960.

Rose-Hélène Iché
Born in 1972, Rose-Hélène Iché lives in Brittany in the Côtes d'Armor. She obtained a licence in Philosophy and worked for a long time for the press and the radio. She was also chief editor for cultural journals such as Latino (Paris), Les Cahiers de la sculpture and Sculpture & installations (Narbonne and London). Lecturer, specialist in surrealism (Brauner, Dominguez and the artists of La Main à Plume) and modern art, she was also interested in the period of the Occupation. In 2010, she took care of the commemorations of the centenary of the birth of Jacques Hérold and was curator of the exhibition organized at the Cantini Museum in Marseille. Historical advisor for the film by Fabrice Maze "Jacques Hérold", she is the author of the booklets about Jacques Hérold and Roberto Matta (to be published). She wrote - for the catalogs of the Artcurial House - texts on important works by Duchamp, Picasso, Picabia, Iché or Matta. Since 2016, she is the chief editor of the journal "Surrealismus".

Christian Kloyber
Christian Kloyber (born in Vienna, Austria) has spent many years in Mexico researching the German-speaking cultural exiles of the twentieth century and the relationships between Mexico and Austria. He was a founding member of the Wolfgang and Isabel Paalen Foundation, which had the aim of documenting Wolfgang Paalen’s Mexican oeuvre and preserving the collection in Mexico (since 2005, the estate of Wolfgang and Isabel Paalen has been at the Museum Franz Mayer in Mexico City). Christian Kloyber co-initiated the first Austrian retrospective of Wolfgang Paalen at the Museum of Modern Art in Vienna (1993). He also published the reprint of Wolfgang Paalen’s DYN (2000). In recognition of Mexican exile policy and as a statement against Nazism, he campaigned for streets in Vienna to be named after Mexican diplomats Isidro Fabela and Gilberto Bosques Saldívar.

Fabrice Pascaud.
Born in 1960 in Poitiers. He studied psychology and philosophy. He discovers surrealism around the age of 17 as well as esotericism. Reading André Breton’s work will be decisive. Passage in the artistic medium: Pathé cinema and comedian in the Renaud-Barrault company. 25 years in the press as editor of topics related to esotericism and parapsychology. Member of the Paris surrealist group in the 1990s. Member of the reading committee of the journal L’astrologue created by André Barbault from 2000 to 2010. Author of a monograph devoted to the plastic painter “Myriam Bat Yosef published by Somogy editions. From two books dealing with the symbolism of the tarot of Marseille published by Bussières editions. Collaboration with the surrealist review "Supérieur Inconnu" directed and created by Sarane Alexandrian. Has been an astrologer and tarologist for many years.

Arnauld Pierre
Professor of history of contemporary art at Sorbonne University, recently curated the exhibitions "Nicolas Schöffer. Space, time, light "(LAM, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 2018) and" Victor Vasarely. The Sharing of Forms ”(Center Pompidou, Paris, 2019, with Michel Gauthier). He has also published many other texts on eccentric forms of perception in optico-kinetic art. Also a specialist in Francis Picabia (Francis Picabia. Painting without aura, Gallimard, 2002), he is currently working on the insertion of the machine in the anthropological imagination of sexuality and filiation.

Gérard Roche
Gérard Roche used to be a teacher in Lyon. He is the author of several studies on the political history of intellectuals and on the surrealist movement: André Breton, Walter Benjamin, René Crevel, Benjamin Péret, Mary Low and Juan Breá, André Malraux. He prefaced the reissue of Benjamin Péret's collection: "Je ne mange pas ce pain-là" (Syllepse, 2010) and edited the Correspondence "André Breton Benjamin Péret. 1920-1959" (Gallimard, 2017). Since 2008 he has chaired the Association des amis de Benjamin Péret. He is the publication director of the "Cahiers Benjamin Péret" and has written the booklet dedicated to the latter, in the Collection Phares .
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