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News from the Lighthouse Collection in 2024

Ecole Nationale des Chartres
Paris (75)
Colloquium and screening
Archives and surrealism

“Sometimes seen as a lifeline for a memory that fades as time goes by, sometimes vilified as serving mercantile interests or cold, disembodied heritage, archives are the focus of all attention. They are at the heart of what surrealism will become, and of what we want to do with it.”

The symposium will take place on November 8th and 9th, 2024. On November 8th at 6pm, Fabrice Maze's film “André Breton, l'œil à l'état sauvage” will be screened during the session “Faire archive avec une caméra”, in the presence of the director and co-organizer Fabrice Flahutez.

The complete program and presentation are available online.

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Trenova Inc.

André Breton

René Magritte, the master of mystery

Toyen, the origin of truth

From October 2024 to September 2025, the Lighthouse Collection will tour Japanese arthouse cinemas, thanks to a collaboration with production company Trenova Inc.


Born in France, perhaps better known in its variants on the European or American continents, the movement also developed among Japanese artists, whether settled in France or not, from the 1920s onwards, despite the repression of the movement during the Second World War on Japanese territory.


Alongside four other films, shorts and documentaries, the films from the Lighthouse Collection cross the Japanese border for the first time.


All information is available on the event's official website.


Centre Pompidou
Paris (75)
Lighthouse Collection


In parallel with the Centenary exhibition at the Centre Pompidou, dedicated to Surrealism, as 2024 marks the centenary of the publication of the famous Surrealist Manifesto, the Phares Collection is currently on show between Monday September 23th and 30th.


The program is available on the museum website.


Monday September 23th - Cinéma 2 

12 am : Jacques Vaché
6 pm : André Breton
8 pm : Jacqueline Lamba

Wednesday September 25th - Petite salle
10 am : Robert Desnos
12 am : Benjamin Péret
6 pm : Yves Tanguy 
8 pm : Dora Maar 


Thursday September 26th- Cinéma 2
10 am : Yves Elleouet
12 am : Victor Brauner
6 pm : Max Ernst
8 pm : Claude Cahun


Friday September 27th - Cinéma 2 
10 am : Alan Glass 
12 am : Kay Sage 
6 pm : Wolfgang Paalen
8 pm : Leonora Carrington

Saturday September 28th - Cinéma 2 

10 am : Toyen
12 am : Remedios Varo
6 pm : Francis Picabia
8 pm : René Magritte


Sunday September 29th - Petite salle
10 am : Jacques Herold
12 am : Marcel Duchamp
6 pm : Dorothea Tanning 
8 pm : André Masson


Monday September 30th - Cinéma 2 

10 am : Daniel Cordier
12 am : Jean-Claude Silbermann
6 pm : Alice Rahon
8 pm : Wifredo Lam

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Brussels (Belgium)
René Magritte, the master of mystery


To coincide with the exhibition "Histoire de ne pas rire. Le surréalisme en Belgique", organised by the Bozar in Brussels, Fabrice Maze's film "René Magritte le maître du mystère" will be screened on 3 June at the Terarken hall in Brussels, starting at 7pm, in the presence of director Fabrice Maze.

The exhibition, held in tandem with "Imagine! 100 Years of International Surrealism" presented by the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, marks the centenary of surrealism in Belgium. René Magritte was a major figure in the movement.

Further information and bookings at

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Péniche La Balle au Bond
Paris (75)
André Breton


Monday January the 29th,  at the occasion of the century of surrealism, a screening organized by the association Le Mot dans tous ses arts will take place on the Péniche la Balle au Bond à Paris.


The three movies André Breton Malgré tout, L'oeil à l'état sauvage : l'atelier d'André Breton et Hôtel Drouot : le 31 mars 2003 will be shown in the presence of the director Fabrice Maze.


DVDs will be sold on place.


Reservation mandatory :


Collection Phares : Films documentaires sur le surréalisme

Editeur du site : Les Editions Publialp

Siège social : 10 rue Henri Bergson, 38100 Grenoble (FRANCE) Hébergeur : Wix

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